New AnswerGirls book teaches every woman how to win Arguments. Every AnswerGirls' book offers solid female advice aimed at helping women to succeed, rather than to just live out their life as instructed by men. Coming from many different careers, professions, ages and experiences, their books are packed full of solid, time-tested female advice.
Keizer, OR, July 29, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Win Your Arguments Without Being Labeled A Bitch; Powerful Negotiation Skills for Women, is a new book from the AnswerGirls. It teaches women how to avoid, take charge of and win arguments, making it easier for women to step up and take charge of their careers and life.
Women who want to be taken seriously, whether it's at home or work, need to be able to get their point across without being thought of as emotional, harsh, cruel or being labeled a bitch. But, unless a woman has been taught the art of debate it's not easy, especially if she's passionate about her cause.
"Each AnswerGirls' book has one primary writer, but all of the AnswerGirls jump in with comments throughout every book, they're also a fun read for women of all ages. Available online from Amazon, AnswerGirl books are sold in both print and Kindle eBook versions."
AnswerGirls, Author
This entertaining and easy-to-read book explains how to take charge of an argument right from the start, and teaches a woman how to recognize different argument types and control to when and where the argument takes place. It explains how to track an argument in it tracks, or postpone until ready, how to develop a winning strategy, why rewrites are important, and how to avoid making enemies when the winner.
Appalled at the number of women's advice books written by men, the authors are a talented and funny group of female writers and career women who decided to come together as one strong female voice known only as the AnswerGirls, and write their own.
Every AnswerGirls' book offers solid female advice aimed at helping women to succeed, rather than to just live out their life as instructed by men. Coming from many different careers, professions, ages and experiences, their books are packed full of solid, time-tested female advice.
Each AnswerGirls' book has one primary writer, but all of the AnswerGirls jump in with comments throughout every book. Their books are not only educational, they're also a fun read for women of all ages. Available online from Amazon, AnswerGirl books are sold in both print and Kindle eBook versions.
A second AnswerGirls title, Busting Sadness--Your Ticket To A Happy Life; Life-Changing Happiness Skills For Women, was also released in 2015.